09d271e77f Goodman, A.W., Univalent Functions, Vol.I and II. 1983. Mariner, Tampa, Florida. [3] Singh, V., On a class of univalent functions. Internat. J. Math. Math. [2] Goodman A. W., Univalent Functions, . Meromorphic and Univalent Functions in the . The koebe set for the class of meromorphic and univalent functions with . The main goal of the paper is to apply methods of the theory of univalent functions to some problems of fluid . A. W. Goodman, Univalent functions, Vol I, . AJST, Vol. 10, No.1: June, 2009 Subordination Principle in Univalent Functions Theory 85 The class T is defined as the subclass of S consisting of all functions f(z) which are given by Univalent Functions, Vol.
Univalent Functions Volumes 1 And 2 9780936166124 A W Goodman
Updated: Dec 10, 2020